Source code for rtkit.parser

    from itertools import filterfalse as ifilterfalse
    from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from itertools import ifilterfalse
    from io import StringIO
import re
from rtkit import comment

[docs]class RTParser(object): """ RFC5322 Parser - see""" HEADER = re.compile(r'^RT/(?P<v>.+)\s+(?P<s>(?P<i>\d+).+)') COMMENT = re.compile(r'^#\s+.+$') SYNTAX_COMMENT = re.compile(r'^>>\s+.+$') SECTION = re.compile(r'^--', re.M | re.U) @classmethod
[docs] def parse(cls, body, decoder): """ :returns: A list of RFC5322-like section .. doctest:: >>> decode = RTParser.decode >>> body = ''' ... ... # c1 ... spam: 1 ... ham: 2, ... 3 ... eggs:''' >>> RTParser.parse(body, decode) [[('spam', '1'), ('ham', '2,\\n3'), ('eggs', '')]] >>> RTParser.parse('# spam 1 does not exist.', decode) Traceback (most recent call last): ... RTNotFoundError: spam 1 does not exist >>> RTParser.parse('# Spam 1 created.', decode) [[('id', 'spam/1')]] >>> RTParser.parse('No matching results.', decode) [] >>> decode = RTParser.decode_comment >>> RTParser.parse('# spam: 1\\n# ham: 2', decode) [[('spam', '1'), ('ham', '2')]] """ section = if len(section) == 1: try: comment.check(section[0]) except (comment.RTNoMatch, IndexError): section = '' except comment.RTCreated as e: section = [['id: {0}'.format(]] return [decoder(lines) for lines in section]
[docs] def decode(cls, lines): """:return: A list of 2-tuples parsing 'k: v' and skipping comments .. doctest:: >>> RTParser.decode(['# c1: c2', 'spam: 1', 'ham: 2, 3', 'eggs:']) [('spam', '1'), ('ham', '2, 3'), ('eggs', '')] >>> RTParser.decode(['<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC >', '<html><head>',]) [] """ try: lines = ifilterfalse(cls.COMMENT.match, lines) return [(k.encode('utf-8'), v.strip(' ').encode('utf-8')) for k, v in [l.split(':', 1) for l in lines]] except (ValueError, IndexError): return []
[docs] def decode_comment(cls, lines): """:return: A list of 2-tuples parsing '# k: v' .. doctest:: >>> RTParser.decode_comment(['# c1: c2', 'spam: 1', 'ham: 2, 3', 'eggs:']) [('c1', 'c2')] >>> RTParser.decode_comment(['# Syntax error.', '>> c1: c2', 'ham: 2, 3', 'eggs:']) [('c1', 'c2')] """ flines = filter(cls.COMMENT.match, lines) if len(flines) == 1 and flines[0] == '# Syntax error.': flines = [l.strip('>> ') for l in filter(cls.SYNTAX_COMMENT.match, lines)] return [(k.strip('# ').encode('utf-8'), v.strip(' ').encode('utf-8')) for k, v in [l.split(':', 1) for l in flines]]
[docs] def build(cls, body): """Build logical lines from a RFC5322-like string :returns: A list of strings .. doctest:: >>> body = '''RT/1.2.3 200 Ok ... ... # a ... b ... spam: 1 ... ... ham: 2, ... 3 ... -- ... # c ... spam: 4 ... ham: ... -- ... a -- b ... ''' >>> [[u'# a\\nb', u'spam: 1', u'ham: 2,\\n3'], [u'# c', u'spam: 4', u'ham:'], [u'a -- b']] """ def build_section(section): logic_lines = [] for line in StringIO(section): # strip trailing newline if line and line[-1] == '\n': line = line.rstrip('\n') if not line or cls.HEADER.match(line): continue if line[0].isspace(): logic_lines[-1] += '\n' + line.strip(' ') else: logic_lines.append(line) return logic_lines return [build_section(b) for b in cls.SECTION.split(body.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))]